Expanded Medicare Coverage For Telehealth Services Extended Through 2023

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth services have been a literal lifesaver for countless Americans of all ages. Quarantined and reluctant to visit a doctor’s office or other health care facilities, seniors, in particular, relied on telehealth visits in record numbers in 2020 and 2021 after Medicare expanded coverage for telehealth services in …

Protect Yourself From These Common Medicare Scams

Scam artists and fraudsters love seniors. That is because preying on and exploiting the vulnerabilities of seniors is how they make a living. This includes scams relating to Medicare. Medicare scams work because Medicare is complicated, and health care is so critical to older Americans. Scammers can easily and convincingly lie and confuse seniors about …

Common Misconceptions About Enrolling In Medicare

Given how complex and unfamiliar Medicare is to most folks approaching retirement age, it’s understandable that there are plenty of misconceptions about enrolling in the program. That is why we want to debunk the following myths about Medicare and the enrollment process: Medicare Is Free Healthcare! While it is true that Medicare will cover most …