Medicare Gaps: 7 Things You Won’t Be Covered for Without a Medicare Supplement Plan

While Medicare will cover most of your medical expenses once you enroll, it isn’t free healthcare, and it won’t pay for many treatments and services that you’ll likely need as you age. That is why so many seniors on Medicare also purchase private supplemental insurance coverage — also called Medigap plans — that can help …

More Seniors Expected To Enroll In Medicare Advantage Plans In 2023

Also called Medicare Part C, Medicare Advantage plans are Medicare-approved private insurance plans that offer an alternative to Original Medicare. These plans combine coverage for hospital stays, physician visits, and other medical services in one comprehensive plan that offers all of the benefits provided by Medicare Parts A and B (except hospice care). Many Medicare …

Expanded Medicare Coverage For Telehealth Services Extended Through 2023

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth services have been a literal lifesaver for countless Americans of all ages. Quarantined and reluctant to visit a doctor’s office or other health care facilities, seniors, in particular, relied on telehealth visits in record numbers in 2020 and 2021 after Medicare expanded coverage for telehealth services in …